robin (girl)- from schnectady, a velma
Mr. McAllister - creeepy elevator man
Mrs. loy
Bruce the second
Bruce the first
Gabriel - cute guy
kelly (mentioned) - bruce 1 sister
sue/susan -elys mom
/ginny? - 2nd ely mom ?
cutie pie - chihuahua
Lisa (mentioned) - Gabriel's first love
-dairy queens-
shaun - linebacker
art -
neal -f2m transitioning
no kiss list
1. donnie weisberg
2. gabriel
3. alexander - cousin of naomi
4. alexandra - ely's cousin
5. robin
6. guy in 15b
naomi and ely are friends eventhough they had problem with their parent being together which ruined naomi's family. ely's family got back together. naomi lies about everything even to his bf bruce the 2nd when he tells him they can have sex because all naomi wanted was fro ely to go first just like what the promised of marriage they made when they are younger. they have a no kiss list to make sure that each other would not get jealous and ruin their friendship.
they saw hot gabriel and immediately put him in the list. ely confessed on kissing naomi's bf bruce the second.
- bruce the second
bruce was wating for naomi but she still not there. bruce sometimes feel awkward and jealous that even though he is the bf he will never be naomi's true dance partner in life.ely saw hima and let him inside his house instead. they laughed about a jokes. they lie side by side while listening to music. he said the he liked ely. they looked at each other and ely leaned in and kissed him. he left and would have to decide who he have to call between the two
-bruce the first
Bruce likes naomi and it is his mission to get her back since the time she was seven and she showed him her underwear. after 10 years, naomi kissed him. he believes that naomi is not evil. he can't sleep and is an insominac.the bruces have thier meeting. the other bruce came in the lobby and he said hes not sure who he wants to see. bruce the first wants to know what happened.
bruce came to visit ely. before they can proceed to talk more, naomi came for him to borrow a belt. bruce hid in the closet. they went to the party. ely promised that he'd be back early. ely cant tell naomi the truth
naomi feels like ely is lying to her because of the gum which she knows that bruce the 2 usually use. naomi told ely she does not want to go the party with him anymore and would go with bruce the first instead.
ely told naomi the truth that he likes bruce.naomi went away with bruce the first
- naomi went to her place and cried about the ely problem. she is a velma and not troubled by such problems. naomi received text msg. from gabriel the doorman abot his gig and they went there
Bruce 2
- bruce is questioning why he's still in ely's room and waiting. he was not supposed to like guys and he felt as naomi mentioned that ely is a boyslut. ely came back and they talked about why they are mutant. he touched his titanium skull and grazed his hair. he is amazed that what he feels could be love.
- Naomi
naomi is on the bench. gabriel is on the other bench. he asked naomi for breakfast but naomi declined and heads home beferoe ely wkaes up
- ely and naomi are still not speaking to each other. bruce the first brought the list of things they are not allowed to do. bruce and him are taking it slow. ely saw naomi in the mailroom and instead of goin to the elevator like the rules that naomi gave her, he went there instead. they fought.
- kelly created bingo day in the building for a study in school but it continued on. she feels like there is 2 groups who have different sides between ely and naomi. she is on naomi side because of Bruce 1 so she can protect him from her. the other bruce won bingo and ely and him kissed. naomi saw them. naomi then kiss bruce one. kelly called her on it and asked her How she would feel if someone she liked teased her into thinking they had a relationship they in fact don’t have?” this made naomi think and said that she loves bruce but not how he wants her to love him. she said that bruce should move on. ely then kissed bruce2 intensely. naomi said that she has the strabucks on the waverly and went away. kelly saw gabriel wanting to comfort her.
naomi has a lot of thoughts. she is tired of a lot of things
gabriel liked Naomi the first time that she saw her in her graduation robes because she made him hope. he mentioned Lisa her first love and her mother's nurse. Gabriel wants to be her boyfriend.
bruce the Second
bruce and ely went to a smell museum. bruce told ely what happened early in the morning and that his mother now knew they are together and that he's not straight. ely told bruce that he is proud to be his kind of bf.
naomi and ely met at starbuks to bring back each other's things.since naomi does not speak but one line, Ely also will give her nothing back.
Bruce 1
Bruce 1 get to talk with Bruce about his love for Ely. They got along well..
robin believes they are only friends with robin girl but he learned afterwards when she already hated him that he wants her. he talked to anomi to help him. they talked in the bench.she said that she does not like him anymore and he said that he will still love her eventhough that's the case.
Naomi's mix tape is full of bad music.he asked her what her fave music is and she said that it is the Kristy Mccoll song.
bruce the second
bruce and ely went to a club. ely showed his dick to the bouncer to get bruce in. this makes bruce pose a lot of question to himself. he felt like he is needy and he is confused why they haven't had sex yet and how he is uncool.ely sang "idont want to wait" onstage and bruce know that he doesn't want to wait either. bruce went to the bathroom and wrote a note that he wants bruce but he doesn't know if he can be right for him because he's uncool and afraid. bruce felt like an outisder and went outside without saying goodbye to ely
naomi will try to move on. gabriel asked her to go to starbucks. she made a list better experieiced without Ely.
she asked robin how sex felt like since she haven't done it yet. naomi realized that she and ely should not do it and that it will look awkward. she realized that mourning has to end for both she and her mom.
ely had a meetin with his group regarding bruce's vanising. he recounts what happened int he club. they only had 2 conversations and both of them rushed and he hadn't made an effort to come back. ely wanted bruce wot be different since he is an f&r man(fuck and run) so in Bruce he waited.
"You’re giving up. You’re slipping into being miserable, because if you’re miserable, then it’s all about you again. But it’s not all about you. Love doesn’t work that way.”
ely figured out that it is never easy. that things that matter are not easy and would do something to make things better.
"No. No no no no. It is not easy. Things that matter are not easy. Feelings of happiness are easy. Happiness is not. Flirting is easy. Love is not. Saying you’re friends is easy. Being friends is not."
"I’m saying it to all of them. But really, I’m saying it most to Shaun. To Bruce. To Naomi. Not because I think it’s all my fault—I know it’s not all my fault. I guess I’m sorry is a way to say I want it to be better. Even if it’s difficult. Even if it hurts. I have to stop hiding behind who I am. I have to stop hiding behind the things other people expect from me and the things I expect from myself. I have to try."
naomi felt like all his future expectaions is the hard part since they are all fantasy now. she alwasy thought that she and ely would get married. she feel like this is the same with her mother who also can't let her father go.
It’s as if Mom somehow expects a magic potion will come along and fix this lie we’re living in; ’til then, she’ll sleep.
naomi wants her mom to move on. she wakes her up and tells her that he is not coming back. she was able to get her mom to action. she knows that she should take ely back and do something but its a step at a time
ely is waiting by the stairwell where he and anomi hangs out and reminising on thier memories.
Life tells you to take the elevator, but love tells you to take the stairs.
naomi and ely reconciled. ely tells naomi that she screwed it up with bruce and naomi thinks hse screwed it up with Gabriel too. naomi tells her that she is failing and she might drop out ouf NYU and move away to a different place for her mom not to be trapped in a job she does not like. he asked naomi if they are ok and she says that they are. she goads him to get back bruce.
naomi wanted to kiss Gabriel but he did not kiss her back instead says there is a better time for that after a date first. he instead kissed him at the back of his neck. ely chickened out with their plan so naomi went to his house to get him moving. she will be moving out and have to be ready for that. she will work in starbucks at the meantime and would want gabriel to see her in just her apron in the future.ely went to bruce the second's place.
I think about that as I head over to Bruce’s, and I think that as hard as we try, it still sometimes feels like we all speak different languages. Even if we share all the same words, meanings can be different. And the mistake isn’t in speaking the different languages, but in ignoring the fact. I thought Naomi and I had perfectly matched up our vocabularies and our definitions. But that’s just not possible. There are always meanings that are different, words that are heard differently than they’re said. There’s no such thing as a soulmate . . . and who would want there to be? I don’t want half of a shared soul. I want my own damn soul.
I think I’m going to learn to appreciate the word close. Because that’s what Naomi and I are. We’re close. Not all the way there. Not identical. Not soulmates. But close. Because that’s as far as you should ever get with another person: very, very close.
That’s what I want with Bruce, too.
I want to be close.
ely is at bruce the second's place. he explained to him why they haven't slept together and explained that he wanted to wait. in life, people see the worst in themselves and they need someone they trust to tell otherwise. once he got home, he tells gabriel that he should be good to naomi. at home, he sees naomi sleeping in his bed. he tells her that it went well. their knees touch and this is the closest they can be.
Friendship is love as much as any romance. And like any love, it’s difficult and treacherous and confusing. But in the moment when your knees touch, there’s nothing else you could ever want. they said goodnight to evreryone.
If you’re lucky—and if you try really hard—there will always be more than one.