we were liars
Burlington, Vermont
Windemere House on Beechwood Island,
Windemere for Penny, Red Gate for Carrie, and
Cuddledown for Bess.
Cadence Sinclair Eastman/cady
Tipper and Harris Sinclair.- grandparents
PENNY(cady's mom)
CARRIE(johnny's mom),
AND Bess (mirren's mom)
ME, Jonathan Sinclair Dennis/JOHNNY- bounce
Mirren Sinclair Sheffield- sugar, curiosity
Gatwick Matthew Patil- ed's nephew
ed - art dealer, new husband of aunt carrie
taft - mirren's brother
twins - liberty and bonnie (mirrens)
will - johnny's brother
raquel - gat's gf
Bosh, Grendel, Poppy, Prince Philip, and Fatima(5
golden retrievers)
uncle brody - bess's former husband
uncle jonathan - aunt carrie's former husband
peppermill - dog that died
Ginny and Lucille
Drake Loggerhead - mirren's imaginary bf
“Princess Butterscotch - barbie
Ginny is the housekeeper. Paulo is the gardener
Richard Thatcher. - granddad's lawyer
fatima and prince philip
cadence's father left them. they threw away all
his gifts and went to beechwood island.
the four became friends. they are called the liars.
gat and cady became close. gat said that cady is pretty.
I am not talking about fate. I don’t believe in destiny or soul mates or the supernatural or any of that stuff. I just mean we understood each other. All the way.
But we were only fourteen. I had never kissed a boy, though I would kiss a few the next school year, and somehow we didn’t label it love.
Gat, my Gat. He had picked me a rose from our favorite walking place. He had hung it to dry and waited for me to arrive on the island so he could give it to me.
I had kissed an unimportant boy or three by now.
I had lost my dad.
I had come here to this island from a house of tears and falsehood
and I saw Gat,
and I saw that rose in his hand,
and in that one moment, with the sunlight from the window shining in on him, the apples on the kitchen counter,
the smell of wood and ocean in the air,
I did call it love.
It was love, and it hit me so hard I leaned against the screen door that still stood between us, just to stay vertical.I wanted to touch him like he was a bunny, a kitten, something so special and soft your fingertips can’t leave it alone. The universe was good because he was in it.
I loved the hole in his jeans and the dirt on his bare feet and the scab on his elbow and the scar that laced through one eyebrow. Gat, my Gat.
summer 15, cady realized that she was in-love with gat. she thought that the rose gat picked is for her but she realized its not
- cady learned of gat's gf raquel. she cried all night but held her chin up the next day
- gat talks about his travel in india and how people there don't have anything even food. the 3 told him to shut up. gat walked out and cady realized that she need to follow him or else he will forever be gone in their life. in her life. she followed him in the water and they held hands.johnny and mirren followed.
- gat called on cady and asked to hold her hand.
“The universe is seeming really huge right now,” he told me. “I need something to hold on to.”
- gat talked to cady about believing in God. gat said he doesn't belivee anymore because of what he saw that no one is protecting the weak and poor. he is asking on how to be a good person if he can't believe in god. this caused a rift in his rel. with his mother.
- gat said that he loved cady. they kissed but cady's granddad walked in on them.
- granny tipper died. cady remembered her time with her.
- the sinclair do not discuss the things that left them. they just smile wide but gat never understood this and would constantly mention gone people offhandedly.
- cady swam in the water alone. she was found by her mother. she's sick with hyporthermian and they brought her to the hospital. gat never called.
cady tried to get info. from johnny but he never replied. cady bailed on him without exp. he just left.
- cadence started to feel pain after the accident. the doctors don't know whats wrong with her. they just give her meds. they later diagnosed her with post traumatic headaches. she will not die. it will just hurt.
- cadence went with her dad in europe. she messaged the liars.
- cadence gives something she owns everyday.
- cadence googled traumatic brain injury and selective amnesia is one of the consequence. she don't want people to know that she is still like that after all the scans and appointments. she wants to know what happened at the 15th summer.
she asked her mother all the time but her mother is sick of her question because she just repeats them almost everyday. she decided to just the write the letter in paper.
- cadence will go with her father for summer 17 in au and nz but cadence dont want to go.her grandad visited her and give her 3 flowers for forgiveness. her mother cancelled the au trip and she will go to beechwood for 4 weeks and go to colorado with her dad after. her mom talk to her aunts. cadence give things away. she gave away gat's hunting jacket because she does not love him and he does not love her.
part 3
part 3
-cadence arrived at beechwood. she is feeling sad at first because they tore down clairmont and the tree is gone but her mother caught her and she regained herself. she saw the liars.
- the liars get together and talked about life.cadence does not want to answer questions about her.
- gat and cadence talked. gat said that he thought he'll never get to see cadence again. she wanted to ask why he did not write or call but she didn't. they held hands like 2 summers ago.
- mirren said sorry about not receiving the barbie and not wrting emails back. gat came for cadence and she was angry of what he's doing. that she disappeared in 2 years. gat said he wants to start over.
- gat and cadence kissed but gat pulled back because he said that cady does not know him. Him that is outside beechwood. gat said that her grandad thinks he is like heathcliff in wuthering heights. the poor boy taken in by the rich and took their catherine. in the end, heathcliff becomes a monster. gat thinks that his grandad turns out to be right.
“If you want to live where people are not afraid of mice, you must give up living in palaces.”
- cady and her grandad went to edgartown. he is like his old self again. they bumped into richard t, the lawyer, her grandad know that she is not mirren and talks good things about her
- cady remembered the time she is talking with her grandad about ivory and how he does not take no for an answer. they fought when cady suggested they donate it, her granddad said that she should not tell him how to dispose his money
- “A part of me died,” he says. “And it was the best part.”- granddad
- gat wants to start over again because of what happened to them. cady does not want that. Gat suggested they become friends instead until things are not a big deal anymore. cady should act normal.
- cady and mirren went to edgartown. Cady remembered something. about the books, about the clam shack. she was asking questions to mirren about gat. why he left and never called, why he's upset he does not know his apt. and how he didn't know the staff. mirren said that she can't fix it. cady and mirren went back home and got reprimanded by her mother.
- the liars are together. cady asked if they plan their funerals like huck was able to hear eulogies about himself. they ventured on planning cady's handball party instead because its not morbid.
- cady talked to johnny about summer 15. he said that he don't want to be that guy since he still has raquel. johnny said that cady should just find a guy with muscles.
-cady and gat are talking. she learned that the trip to europe is paid by his granddad. she dont understand why her father took the money and whyher mother did not come. gat said that she wants people to pity her because of the things she says and she should not because she is lucky. Cady disagrees and tell her that she wants to kill herself to stop the pain. gat then hugged her. cady loves gat.have always loved him.
- cady and mirren talked. mirren said that she will just hurt gat in the end but cady does not
want to stop because she loves gat so much. cady learned that mirren lied.she doesnt have a bf.
she's just envious when gat looked at cady. Cady's supply of meds is running out and this knocks her out for migraine in 2 days. when she get back, the liars said that they went out but cady sensed that they are lying.
- gat told cady the story of what happened. 2 summers ago gat has a gf but she fell for cady.they kissed again. the migraine lessened but not all. gat said that he is a contradiction and that he wants things he can't have.
- cady had a memory of aunt carrie crying. She asked mirren about it be she does not answer. She asked why mirren is not going anywhere except in cuddledown and if she has agoraphobia but mirren was defensive.
- cady remembered that they burned clairmont island.all 4 of them. the liars burned not a home but a symbol to the ground.
- cady went to johnny and tell her the things she remembered. it was not complete. johnny tells her that the aunties dont want to to speak anymore. they are quarelling everyday about everything. the house. gran's things. johnny's mother is pushing him to be the heir and earn granddad's favor. cady remembered bits of the times that her mother asked her to write things to granddad. asking of certain things of him.
- granddad asked cady about the house and to be able to keep it, she know that she should say good things to her granddad so her mom would be pleased but cady was tired of it. she said that it was too big and left. her mother and her aunties was still dependent on granddad eventho they had the best education and connection, they still end up unable to support themselves.
- cady and her mother fought because she did not back her up to keep the house. cady is angry that no one is doing any good with the money they have and just fights with the others. she wants her to stand up to granddad so that he will not manipulate them. she said that he is just doing that because he is dad that gran is gone. her mother threatened that if she do not do as she says she will send her to colorado with her father and she will not see her bf.
- cady and gat talked. gat said that harris never calls him his name and that he is racist. he does not want him to be with cady. they talked about carrie and how he will be disinherited if he marries ed. they kissed and cady felt like she knew everything about him
- cady rememebered the time from summer 15 that she heard the aunties having a discussion about the house and how carrie have not earned his dad's favor because he lived with ed adn chose to bring gat all summer even if he is not part of the family. cady and gat remained silent
- the liars are pushed again. johhny was asked by granddad to interfere with carrie's lovelife but he will not do it even if he took out his college fund. carrie told gat to stop coming to meals to not rile up harris. merrin was asked by her mother to push for windmere and say bad things to cady and johnny but she will not do it
“Grow up, Cadence. See the world as it is, not as you wish it would be.” - penny
cady was asked to break it off with gat but she will not do it. that night they took the ivory from the houses and smashed them.
- cady heard the aunties talking to granddad. he said that he will not tolerate their broken homes and disrespect for tradition anymore. this made the aunties angry and people started leaving the island. then, the liars decided to burn the clairmont house. the house was a symbol of patriarchy and if it is gone they could be a family again.
And yes, we were stupid drunk, and yes, we thought they’d rip the family apart and I would never come here again. We figured if the house was gone, and the paperwork and data inside it gone, and all the objects they fought about gone, the power would be gone.”-gat
We should not accept an evil we can change. - cady
cady remembered the time they set the house on fire. cady and gat are crying because they will not see each other again the same way. they thought that they could be heroes by forcing them to change and be a family. they talked to johnny and mirren and convinced them.
- the liars are talking on what they did. cady is proud and said that they were able to make something happen and that the family started over. but carrie is wandering the island at night and bess is cleaning everything until her hand is raw and penny watches her while she sleep and watches what she eats.gat said that the new clairmont is a self punishment just like how gady gave away her things.
-cady confronted her mother why she told eeryone not to talk to her about the fire. they fought again. cady and mirren read all the notes that cady sent to mirren. some are charming and some are pitiful. cady remembered that the dogs fatima and philip died in the fire and they are the ones at fault. gat saw her. cady learned that there is more she should remember. cady wants to know what happened why they arent together but gat did not say. he said sorry for doing all that he did. cady said i love you but he did not answer and walked away.
(after accident, 15th summer)
-cady was at the hospital and her hands and feet were bandaged because they were burned.
part 5
the truth as granddad knows it is that mirren, gat and johnny died on a fire accident brought by jug of motorboat fuel that overturned in the mudroom. cadence was present on the scene and tried to rescue them afterwards she called the fire dept. when they arrived she was curled in a ball half underwater and cannot be questioned because of head injury. they held funerals for them. the next summer the sinclair family came back to beechwood. they drank a lot and mourned and fell apart. they made a new house from the ashes.
cadence had no memory about the fire and have selective amnesia. she believe she had head injury because of swimming. the doctors advice that they stop explaining what happened to her and let her remember in her own time. she should not return to beechwood until she heals. cadence went back to school but dyed her hair and get rids of the stuff even sentimental ones. the 2nd year she expressed desire to go back to beechwood. they agreed to let her to finish her healing.
cady remembered everything. how they drank and decided to light the house on fire. how each were given a floor to light. no one was able to get out. she tried to save them but all is in vain. she remembered everything and how stupid she is. she thought that they could have patient and just wait until college when they have drivers license. she mourned for the aunties and to all that lost their brother or sister.
cady cried for all her complaints, all the possesion she gave away masquerade as charity.
cady knows that the aunties hug not because they are free from the weight of the clairmont house but because of empathy to each other.
she remembered johnny,mirren, and gat and their dreams and who they are.
Mirren, I can’t even say sorry. There is not even a Scrabble word for how bad I feel.-cady
cady feel like it is all her fault but still they have loved her. she needed them and that is why they are there.
- the liars said they can't stay anymore. they bid goodbyes and the 3 of them dive or something and cady was all alone.
- cady cleaned cuddledown and made picture of his liars. gat reading a book. mirren dancing and johnny with a snorkel holding a crab.
- cady have loved and lost her best loves in the world and for a time they are the only thing abaout her but there must be more. there is more.
Burlington, Vermont
Windemere House on Beechwood Island,
Windemere for Penny, Red Gate for Carrie, and
Cuddledown for Bess.
Cadence Sinclair Eastman/cady
Tipper and Harris Sinclair.- grandparents
PENNY(cady's mom)
CARRIE(johnny's mom),
AND Bess (mirren's mom)
ME, Jonathan Sinclair Dennis/JOHNNY- bounce
Mirren Sinclair Sheffield- sugar, curiosity
Gatwick Matthew Patil- ed's nephew
ed - art dealer, new husband of aunt carrie
taft - mirren's brother
twins - liberty and bonnie (mirrens)
will - johnny's brother
raquel - gat's gf
Bosh, Grendel, Poppy, Prince Philip, and Fatima(5
golden retrievers)
uncle brody - bess's former husband
uncle jonathan - aunt carrie's former husband
peppermill - dog that died
Ginny and Lucille
Drake Loggerhead - mirren's imaginary bf
“Princess Butterscotch - barbie
Ginny is the housekeeper. Paulo is the gardener
Richard Thatcher. - granddad's lawyer
fatima and prince philip
cadence's father left them. they threw away all
his gifts and went to beechwood island.
the four became friends. they are called the liars.
gat and cady became close. gat said that cady is pretty.
I am not talking about fate. I don’t believe in destiny or soul mates or the supernatural or any of that stuff. I just mean we understood each other. All the way.
But we were only fourteen. I had never kissed a boy, though I would kiss a few the next school year, and somehow we didn’t label it love.
Gat, my Gat. He had picked me a rose from our favorite walking place. He had hung it to dry and waited for me to arrive on the island so he could give it to me.
I had kissed an unimportant boy or three by now.
I had lost my dad.
I had come here to this island from a house of tears and falsehood
and I saw Gat,
and I saw that rose in his hand,
and in that one moment, with the sunlight from the window shining in on him, the apples on the kitchen counter,
the smell of wood and ocean in the air,
I did call it love.
It was love, and it hit me so hard I leaned against the screen door that still stood between us, just to stay vertical.I wanted to touch him like he was a bunny, a kitten, something so special and soft your fingertips can’t leave it alone. The universe was good because he was in it.
I loved the hole in his jeans and the dirt on his bare feet and the scab on his elbow and the scar that laced through one eyebrow. Gat, my Gat.
summer 15, cady realized that she was in-love with gat. she thought that the rose gat picked is for her but she realized its not
- cady learned of gat's gf raquel. she cried all night but held her chin up the next day
- gat talks about his travel in india and how people there don't have anything even food. the 3 told him to shut up. gat walked out and cady realized that she need to follow him or else he will forever be gone in their life. in her life. she followed him in the water and they held hands.johnny and mirren followed.
- gat called on cady and asked to hold her hand.
“The universe is seeming really huge right now,” he told me. “I need something to hold on to.”
- gat talked to cady about believing in God. gat said he doesn't belivee anymore because of what he saw that no one is protecting the weak and poor. he is asking on how to be a good person if he can't believe in god. this caused a rift in his rel. with his mother.
- gat said that he loved cady. they kissed but cady's granddad walked in on them.
- granny tipper died. cady remembered her time with her.
- the sinclair do not discuss the things that left them. they just smile wide but gat never understood this and would constantly mention gone people offhandedly.
- cady swam in the water alone. she was found by her mother. she's sick with hyporthermian and they brought her to the hospital. gat never called.
cady tried to get info. from johnny but he never replied. cady bailed on him without exp. he just left.
- cadence started to feel pain after the accident. the doctors don't know whats wrong with her. they just give her meds. they later diagnosed her with post traumatic headaches. she will not die. it will just hurt.
- cadence went with her dad in europe. she messaged the liars.
- cadence gives something she owns everyday.
- cadence googled traumatic brain injury and selective amnesia is one of the consequence. she don't want people to know that she is still like that after all the scans and appointments. she wants to know what happened at the 15th summer.
she asked her mother all the time but her mother is sick of her question because she just repeats them almost everyday. she decided to just the write the letter in paper.
- cadence will go with her father for summer 17 in au and nz but cadence dont want to go.her grandad visited her and give her 3 flowers for forgiveness. her mother cancelled the au trip and she will go to beechwood for 4 weeks and go to colorado with her dad after. her mom talk to her aunts. cadence give things away. she gave away gat's hunting jacket because she does not love him and he does not love her.
part 3
part 3
-cadence arrived at beechwood. she is feeling sad at first because they tore down clairmont and the tree is gone but her mother caught her and she regained herself. she saw the liars.
- the liars get together and talked about life.cadence does not want to answer questions about her.
- gat and cadence talked. gat said that he thought he'll never get to see cadence again. she wanted to ask why he did not write or call but she didn't. they held hands like 2 summers ago.
- mirren said sorry about not receiving the barbie and not wrting emails back. gat came for cadence and she was angry of what he's doing. that she disappeared in 2 years. gat said he wants to start over.
- gat and cadence kissed but gat pulled back because he said that cady does not know him. Him that is outside beechwood. gat said that her grandad thinks he is like heathcliff in wuthering heights. the poor boy taken in by the rich and took their catherine. in the end, heathcliff becomes a monster. gat thinks that his grandad turns out to be right.
“If you want to live where people are not afraid of mice, you must give up living in palaces.”
- cady and her grandad went to edgartown. he is like his old self again. they bumped into richard t, the lawyer, her grandad know that she is not mirren and talks good things about her
- cady remembered the time she is talking with her grandad about ivory and how he does not take no for an answer. they fought when cady suggested they donate it, her granddad said that she should not tell him how to dispose his money
- “A part of me died,” he says. “And it was the best part.”- granddad
- gat wants to start over again because of what happened to them. cady does not want that. Gat suggested they become friends instead until things are not a big deal anymore. cady should act normal.
- cady and mirren went to edgartown. Cady remembered something. about the books, about the clam shack. she was asking questions to mirren about gat. why he left and never called, why he's upset he does not know his apt. and how he didn't know the staff. mirren said that she can't fix it. cady and mirren went back home and got reprimanded by her mother.
- the liars are together. cady asked if they plan their funerals like huck was able to hear eulogies about himself. they ventured on planning cady's handball party instead because its not morbid.
- cady talked to johnny about summer 15. he said that he don't want to be that guy since he still has raquel. johnny said that cady should just find a guy with muscles.
-cady and gat are talking. she learned that the trip to europe is paid by his granddad. she dont understand why her father took the money and whyher mother did not come. gat said that she wants people to pity her because of the things she says and she should not because she is lucky. Cady disagrees and tell her that she wants to kill herself to stop the pain. gat then hugged her. cady loves gat.have always loved him.
- cady and mirren talked. mirren said that she will just hurt gat in the end but cady does not
want to stop because she loves gat so much. cady learned that mirren lied.she doesnt have a bf.
she's just envious when gat looked at cady. Cady's supply of meds is running out and this knocks her out for migraine in 2 days. when she get back, the liars said that they went out but cady sensed that they are lying.
- gat told cady the story of what happened. 2 summers ago gat has a gf but she fell for cady.they kissed again. the migraine lessened but not all. gat said that he is a contradiction and that he wants things he can't have.
- cady had a memory of aunt carrie crying. She asked mirren about it be she does not answer. She asked why mirren is not going anywhere except in cuddledown and if she has agoraphobia but mirren was defensive.
- cady remembered that they burned clairmont island.all 4 of them. the liars burned not a home but a symbol to the ground.
- cady went to johnny and tell her the things she remembered. it was not complete. johnny tells her that the aunties dont want to to speak anymore. they are quarelling everyday about everything. the house. gran's things. johnny's mother is pushing him to be the heir and earn granddad's favor. cady remembered bits of the times that her mother asked her to write things to granddad. asking of certain things of him.
- granddad asked cady about the house and to be able to keep it, she know that she should say good things to her granddad so her mom would be pleased but cady was tired of it. she said that it was too big and left. her mother and her aunties was still dependent on granddad eventho they had the best education and connection, they still end up unable to support themselves.
- cady and her mother fought because she did not back her up to keep the house. cady is angry that no one is doing any good with the money they have and just fights with the others. she wants her to stand up to granddad so that he will not manipulate them. she said that he is just doing that because he is dad that gran is gone. her mother threatened that if she do not do as she says she will send her to colorado with her father and she will not see her bf.
- cady and gat talked. gat said that harris never calls him his name and that he is racist. he does not want him to be with cady. they talked about carrie and how he will be disinherited if he marries ed. they kissed and cady felt like she knew everything about him
- cady rememebered the time from summer 15 that she heard the aunties having a discussion about the house and how carrie have not earned his dad's favor because he lived with ed adn chose to bring gat all summer even if he is not part of the family. cady and gat remained silent
- the liars are pushed again. johhny was asked by granddad to interfere with carrie's lovelife but he will not do it even if he took out his college fund. carrie told gat to stop coming to meals to not rile up harris. merrin was asked by her mother to push for windmere and say bad things to cady and johnny but she will not do it
“Grow up, Cadence. See the world as it is, not as you wish it would be.” - penny
cady was asked to break it off with gat but she will not do it. that night they took the ivory from the houses and smashed them.
- cady heard the aunties talking to granddad. he said that he will not tolerate their broken homes and disrespect for tradition anymore. this made the aunties angry and people started leaving the island. then, the liars decided to burn the clairmont house. the house was a symbol of patriarchy and if it is gone they could be a family again.
And yes, we were stupid drunk, and yes, we thought they’d rip the family apart and I would never come here again. We figured if the house was gone, and the paperwork and data inside it gone, and all the objects they fought about gone, the power would be gone.”-gat
We should not accept an evil we can change. - cady
cady remembered the time they set the house on fire. cady and gat are crying because they will not see each other again the same way. they thought that they could be heroes by forcing them to change and be a family. they talked to johnny and mirren and convinced them.
- the liars are talking on what they did. cady is proud and said that they were able to make something happen and that the family started over. but carrie is wandering the island at night and bess is cleaning everything until her hand is raw and penny watches her while she sleep and watches what she eats.gat said that the new clairmont is a self punishment just like how gady gave away her things.
-cady confronted her mother why she told eeryone not to talk to her about the fire. they fought again. cady and mirren read all the notes that cady sent to mirren. some are charming and some are pitiful. cady remembered that the dogs fatima and philip died in the fire and they are the ones at fault. gat saw her. cady learned that there is more she should remember. cady wants to know what happened why they arent together but gat did not say. he said sorry for doing all that he did. cady said i love you but he did not answer and walked away.
(after accident, 15th summer)
-cady was at the hospital and her hands and feet were bandaged because they were burned.
part 5
the truth as granddad knows it is that mirren, gat and johnny died on a fire accident brought by jug of motorboat fuel that overturned in the mudroom. cadence was present on the scene and tried to rescue them afterwards she called the fire dept. when they arrived she was curled in a ball half underwater and cannot be questioned because of head injury. they held funerals for them. the next summer the sinclair family came back to beechwood. they drank a lot and mourned and fell apart. they made a new house from the ashes.
cadence had no memory about the fire and have selective amnesia. she believe she had head injury because of swimming. the doctors advice that they stop explaining what happened to her and let her remember in her own time. she should not return to beechwood until she heals. cadence went back to school but dyed her hair and get rids of the stuff even sentimental ones. the 2nd year she expressed desire to go back to beechwood. they agreed to let her to finish her healing.
cady remembered everything. how they drank and decided to light the house on fire. how each were given a floor to light. no one was able to get out. she tried to save them but all is in vain. she remembered everything and how stupid she is. she thought that they could have patient and just wait until college when they have drivers license. she mourned for the aunties and to all that lost their brother or sister.
cady cried for all her complaints, all the possesion she gave away masquerade as charity.
cady knows that the aunties hug not because they are free from the weight of the clairmont house but because of empathy to each other.
she remembered johnny,mirren, and gat and their dreams and who they are.
Mirren, I can’t even say sorry. There is not even a Scrabble word for how bad I feel.-cady
cady feel like it is all her fault but still they have loved her. she needed them and that is why they are there.
- the liars said they can't stay anymore. they bid goodbyes and the 3 of them dive or something and cady was all alone.
- cady cleaned cuddledown and made picture of his liars. gat reading a book. mirren dancing and johnny with a snorkel holding a crab.
- cady have loved and lost her best loves in the world and for a time they are the only thing abaout her but there must be more. there is more.